Royal Society of Chemistry

Chemistry World is the Royal Society of Chemistry’s flagship magazine. We gave it a confident new identity and layout, in both its printed and digital format.


  • Identity design
  • Guidelines
  • Web design
  • Editorial design
  • Stationery


The Royal Society of Chemistry wanted to raise the profile and increase the impact of its publication, Chemistry World. The new brand and editorial design that we created helped to do this.



We worked closely with key members of the magazine’s editorial and production teams and ran a workshop to let them share their ideas about how to improve it.



Our design work and supporting brand guidelines covered editorial, illustration and branding principles – for the magazine and for all supporting social media, video and signage.


The rebranded Chemistry World now has a circulation over 50,000, an estimated total readership of more than 83,000 and 414,000 followers on Twitter. Research shows that the new brand was particularly well received by younger readers.