
Earlier this year, we were asked by Eurofins to create a book to coincide with their 35th Anniversary. ‘The story of Eurofins – from humble beginnings to global leader’ was built around anecdotes and stories from Eurofins employees around the world.

Our brief was to build a ‘dynamic mosaic’ that explored Eurofins and its businesses from multiple perspectives.


  • Book design
  • Conceptual design
  • Illustration / Infographics
  • Typesetting
  • Proofreading
  • Retouching
  • Anniversary identity design


The book starts by talking about Eurofins beginnings in Nantes, France its strategy for growth which accelerated rapidly in the noughties and its entrepreneurial spirit which is at the heart of the business.

There’s a chapter dedicated to innovation, customer focus and quality and another on Eurofins response to global crises and disasters. The book concludes by explaining the company’s stance on ESG and sustainability and the variety of ways in which it gives back to society through ‘the Eurofins Foundation’.

The centrepiece of the book is a chapter titled ‘Testing for Life’ (Eurofins strapline / motto) in which we commissioned illustrator Malcolm White to create an isometric Eurofins world showing how Eurofins are involved in testing much of the food and products that we all come across daily as well as the medicines we take and even the ways in which we solve crimes.

You may view the PDF here.