
Since its foundation in 1987, the Eurofins network has contributed significantly to the advancement of science in testing for life. Eurofins laboratories around the world perform hundreds of millions of tests every year to contribute to global health and safety, and as such has a lot to say on environmental, social and governance issues.


  • Conceptual design
  • Typesetting
  • Proofreading
  • Retouching
  • Social media assets

TBW was asked to help Eurofins tell its ESG story. Our brief was to bring to life the company’s ESG achievements, by designing a report that not only communicated solid data from across the global business but which also told the stories behind the figures to highlight what really matters.

It was important the information was accessible, easy to navigate and served a dual purpose, acting as an important internal communications channel with employees around the world as well as showcasing the company’s ESG approach to outside stakeholders.

We suggested opening with an Executive Summary that set out the company’s progress to date across a range of ESG metrics and which could also be used as a short-form introduction to the Eurofins ESG approach in any presentations or discussions with clients, investors or potential employees.

The finished report has been extremely well received. This is what the Eurofins ESG performance management team had to say about working with us:


‘From the conceptual design through the final stages of the finished document, TBW supported us in developing a creative, captivating, and distinctive design that encapsulated Eurofins’ DNA.


We look forward to continued collaboration with TBW!’

You may view the PDF here.