Energy Institute

This year the independent energy charity Energy Institute (EI) took over the custodianship of a prestigious annual review of the world’s energy system, which for more than 70 years had been published by bp. First published in 1952 as a single page covering the main oil producing regions of the world, the Statistical Review of World Energy grew to become a globally trusted comprehensive report spanning 60 pages and covering everything from consumption data to the rise of renewables. thebigwindow (TBW) was brought on board to help transition the report from bp to its new home at the Energy Institute. We worked closely with the team at EI and their partners KPMG, Kearney, and Heriot Watt University to produce the 72nd edition and ensure it retained its trusted data-rich format. New branding and design were developed to help usher in its new era.


  • Conceptual design
  • Representing data in a range of graphic styles
  • Typesetting
  • Proofreading
  • Retouching
  • Social media assets
  • Presentation template


We used an abstract image as a backdrop for the 72nd Stats Review. The image represents energy and incorporates many of the key elements from the Energy Institute’s colour palette.

‘Taking ownership of the Statistical Review of World Energy was an important moment for the EI and its global reputation. Having TBW with us on that journey gave us confidence that our first report would meet our expectations and those of users around the world.


In a relatively short period of time, they helped shift the look and feel firmly into the EI’s brand, while at the same time retaining the integrity and structure it built up over the past seven decades.


In addition, working closely with our team, they added new elements, such as the Sankey diagrams for energy trade flows, and we’re looking forward to building on these improvements in future years.’


Nick Turton FEI
External Affairs Director, Energy Institute

Larger, more impactful photography showing different types of energy provides a meaningful backdrop to key charts and the accompanying narrative.

Rather than using world maps to show regional trade flows in oil, natural gas, and coal, we created five 'Sankey diagrams'. These intuitive graphics clearly and rapidly communicate key insights such as the complex interconnectivity between the main exporting and importing countries, with each accompanied by a short narrative that outlines the key findings for 2022.

Primary energy



Natural gas


Nuclear energy


Renewable energy


Key minerals

The Stats Review covers all major energy types and is an important document in tracking the pace of change across international energy markets.

The Stats Review is a major product used extensively within and outside the global energy sector. During the first week it attracted 4,500 online views of the launch event, 20,000 web visitors, and around 500 media articles worldwide.

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